Friday, August 21, 2015

Say Hi

I got up out of bed. Brushed my teeth and took a shower.  

I didn't wake up in a particular happy mood; I just wanted to be spontaneous.  When you are a creative person, even the smallest things can inspire you.  Spontaneity creates situations which creates opportunities.  

I'm not a big fan of routine; routine bores me.  I decided to to do one of the more simple things I could do...Say Hi!

Doors appear when you simply say, "Hi."  Every single person I made eye contact was told by me..Hi!  Some people looked at me crazy and didn't want to be bothered; some looked refreshed and asked me, "Hi, how are you?"

One word got me to find out about people and their early morning.  It felt almost like a cold call in every day life.  Some were good and some were bad.  The weird thing is, when I tried this experiment, I ended up being a lot happier over the phones.  It put me in a good "selling" mood and I was ready to talk to random people and convince them they should work with me.

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