Monday, July 21, 2014

work hard or work smart?

Which do you do?  Here's 2 scenarios.

Tommy works on the docks.  The union's been on strike, he's down on his luck it's tough.

Gina works the diner all day.  Working for her man, she brings home her pay for love.

Ok.. Enough of the Bon Jovi song reference, This used to be two common scenarios that I guess, meant you eventually would get a promotion.

I have seen people that exert so much effort and concentration.  I've seen that same person stay at work until 630 7PM and still complain, " I got so much I need to do."

Meanwhile, I used to see people who would work the same 9-5 shift and mostly leave the office at 5PM. These people had the highest metrics that mattered....Revenue and real productivity.  These people also seemed to be less stressed and at ease when you talked to them.  The "work harder" person always power walked even to go grab their coffee because of this internal clock saying,

"You're not earning your pay if you stop and talk to co workers."

I used to think if I made a bunch of phone calls, and lived by these hardcore metrics, I would be able to enjoy great success and get the promotions.  I'm not disagreeing with putting work in, but I also know the people who get farther are able to problem solve a constraint in the system. 

Thach Nyguen has a great quote to describe the two scenarios of work:

Now Playing- "Living on a prayer"

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