Wednesday, July 30, 2014

If each TMNT wrote for a blog

I don't know about you all but I am very excited about the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. 

It's been over  15 years since the last action style movie came out!  There has been a lot of mixed reviews before this movie has even come out.  Transformers director Michael Bay is producing this reboot and many people fear it will take on the "transformers" style of story telling.  While Shredder does look like a Decepticon...

I'm not watching it for Shredder- I'm watching it because deep inside, I want to be 7 years old again. (#Nostalgia)  I want to experience a story of four brothers with unique personalities that come together to save the day.

The story has already been told there's just been different aesthetics that differentiate the various remade movies.  The brand is so strong that their personalities remain constant.    The turtles hold a special place in my heart as I used to aspire to be a turtle living in a sewer that looked like a downtown Chicago condominium.   IMO, The best movie was the original one that featured depth to identify each turtles personality and fighting style. 

While each director has changed their look, the origin of the turtles remains the same.  They always possess the qualities that made fans like us, connect to them.

What if each turtle had its' own blog to communicate to us? The mental makeup of each turtle lends an interesting discussion.  What would each of their blogs look like?

You have:

Leonardo- The unquestioned leader who is most calm under pressure and also the most disciplined. In every film you can find him meditating and finding ways to be a better leader.  His blog would probably consists of yoga, meditation, and motivational quotes- I'm thinking family friendly MEMES. 

Raphael-  The "stubbornly" passionate one.  I'd imagine Raphael's blog detailing the social ills of the world and ways we can make a change.  He's so aggressive in nature because he cares so much about the people around him. He would have one of the more intense blogs and/or journals detailing his frustration with the world.  He would detail the pain of others and he would CHALLENGE us to change our thinking.

Donatello- The "brains" behind the turtles.  I'd imagine if Donatello wrote a blog he would give us facts and BE the expert on a lot of subjects-Especially technology.  Life and technical hacks would be the premise of a Donatello written blog.

Michelangelo- The fun and carefree one.  He might have had ADD and his love for pizza could not be described in just words.  His blog would consist of what we look at today.  Entertainment, gossip and pop culture would be his passion and it would show in his writing.  While I believe the others would have a more formal style, Michelangelo would feature a laid back writing tone.

I would remain a constant fixture on Michelangelo and Raphael's blog.  They encompass my personality and values.  The naive child approach Michelangelo has to life balances out with the strong passion and rebellion Raphael gives.  I am passionate about marketing and understanding why people do what they do.

I could learn from Leonardo the art of discipline and being a leader. I could learn from Donatello the importance of understanding how things work and working with limited resources to achieve results.

There's a teenage mutant ninja turtle in every one of our personality make ups.  Creator Kevin Eastman did a masterful job in bringing human psychology to characters that while are reptiles, can be easily related and understood.

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