Tuesday, July 8, 2014


When I was 8 years old, my grandmother used to hate when I said someone was lying to me.

Now my grandmother grew up born and raised in Memphis TN.  In her southern accent she would calmly but firmly tell me, "Baby, they not lying, they just telling stories."

20 years later, There's got to be quite a lot of stories being told. 

To tell a story gets us out of situations and paints this vivid picture of what might have happened.  We can manipulate that story for bad or good.

Someone tells a "lie" and it essentially is a story true or fictitious designed to interest, amuse, or instruct a reader or hearer.

We tell lies to not hurt peoples feelings. I love honesty but there's a certain line when you must tell a "story."

Which option are you going with?

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