Thursday, July 17, 2014


If you remember from my "22 things I neglected to mention about myself" I  said I am one of the most impatient people you will meet.

If I was told to pull a trigger on a gun for a race, I'd pull prematurely because I just hate to wait for things. 

That weakness of mine has turned into a strength because I "seize" the opportunities given to me.

As a sales consultant I come across impatient people and I learn along the way more about myself.  I learn that I am completely comfortable with someone not liking me.  You don't have to like me to see that I can help you with your motive and purpose.

On the other hand, being impatient has cost me some opportunities that just needed time.  Like a cop that has a quick trigger, I can kill an opportunity as fast as saving one.  I'm not proud of that ability- That's extreme.

I just contradicted myself- I'm too impatient to keep just one stance.

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