Friday, July 25, 2014

Why so SENSitive

I usually don't do this but I had to post this email I received today.  To give you a little back story..

I have been professional in contacting this individual ( who will remain anonymous) about IT solutions.  I am the "evil" salesmen so on numerous times he would simply hang up while I talked in mid sentence. 

I ended up sending him an email with information- He disregarded receiving it.  After the final time of him hanging up on me before I could get a word in, I sent him an email.


"I have to say. I have contacted you several times and before I even get the opportunity to tell you what I’m calling about, you disconnect the line.  I would like to think that the phone seems to cut off on its own but I’m not that naïve to the situation.

I have had conversations with your institution from my previous job.  I’ve talked to Sven and his assistant.  I’ve talked to several in your FA department and everyone, for the most part, has been warm and open minded.

 I can understand sales calls coming at inopportune times for you and I’m here to be that resource for you when you work on IT related projects.  You may very well be set with everything and it’s good to always have resourceds handy.  I haven’t earned the right to question what you personally do so I won’t.

 I can say as a leader for Technology in Bethany College, I expect a more transparent dialogue.  If you are not interested in hearing how Zones Inc. can help reduce your IT costs and make life easier, tell me please.

 Thank you,

Of course I had one costly grammatical error in there I failed to proofread, The message was clear about just being honest.  I figured he would not respond back to me since I sent him information and even left voice mails.  He actually responded to this email and I finally saw I struck a chord with him ( albeit in a less favorable way)

"I must say that the "you're a jerk but everybody else at your school is pretty nice" is a novel approach.  

 I get 20 calls a week from guys just like you that want to make my life easier.  You caught me up on a ladder this morning adding technology to a classroom, so you'll forgive me for not taking your call. 

I have your contact info, but after this email I doubt I'll ever use it, your
expectations notwithstanding. 

 By the way can I have your managers contact info?  Since you've seen fit to waist some of my time chiding me maybe I can return the favor. 

Thank you "
Sent from my iPhone

So after numerous attempts of trying to contact this individual, one email emotionally connected to him and he responded back to me.  My manager spoke with me and stated I should have been PR friendly but I feel when you are talking to borderline C level employees,  "Why dumb it down?" 

The game of cat and mouse gets tiring and monotonous.  I don't feel I was out of line with my email and it did elicit a response. ( It worked because I solicited a response)

My email seemed to be illicit since it doesn't follow the usual PR friendly "safe" words.

How would you have handled this situation?

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