Friday, August 1, 2014

Occupational Jargon

One of the themes of this blog is the litany of words and responses we are accustomed to using.  There are so many ways to say one initial thing, wording can be the key to sounding more professional.  I meet people all the time and curiosity arises as to what they do and what they are passionate about. 

When I meet these people, some of them are ashamed of their job title and decide to embellish their job title.  I also come across people just out of graduate school that take a pre-elitist view point. 

I present to you job titles in marketing/sales and their real meaning.

Inside Sales- Salesperson calling inside from the company.

Sales representative- Salesperson

Account Executive- Salesperson experienced 2+ plus years.

Account Manager- Ego boosting Salesperson that has to pretend to not be a salesperson. Managing an account.

Business Development-  Fancy name for a Salesperson with Microsoft excel skills. The word development alone tells you what this position does- Develops business.

Client Services- Glorified customer service people.

For you elitist:

Doctors- Salesmen consultant in area of expertise.  A doctor doesn't come out of a PHD with a list of clients. They have to build their business.

Lawyers- Salesperson consulting law practice.  They have to be the biggest salespeople and how often do you see a Lawyer TV ad late nite?

So the next time you ask someone what they do and they say "I'm a lawyer", respond back by with a smile: "Oh so you're a salesmen too."

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