Monday, August 25, 2014

Quality, not Quantity- Stop mixing it up!

My plan has always been to make three posts a week of relevant information that pertains to my blog theme.  I was supposed to post last Friday as I normally post M-W-F.  I only gave two posts last week and I felt good about what I wrote which was relevant and helpful.  I normally would apologize for not keeping true to my writing promise- I can't apologize this time.

 Maintaining my goal of three posts a week is ideal. I'm not making excuses.  I honestly couldn't think of anything Friday to write about that was relevant, memorable, and engaging.  Instead of giving "fodder" I felt it was best to simply enjoy the content I wrote and give everyone a break to potentially miss my voice. 

Narcissistic huh?

No I don't think I'm "Mr. Wonderful." - My honesty has always been a gift and curse.  It rubs some people the right way and some the wrong way.  People feel something and that's what really is important in my eyes.  In marketing, if a marketer can evoke an emotion in their product or service,  They have done their job.   If we follow the rules every single time, things get stale like week old bread--they lose great taste.

I've observed different brands and while I'm no expert, I've seen them put out information that wasn't relevant or important just because they seemingly forgot quality is better than quantity.  James Cameron, the director of "Titanic" and "Avatar", takes on average 6-8 years to bring a movie out to his audience.  He reportedly scores bigger blockbusters than other directors who may put out more movies throughout a year. 

It's really hard to create content and ideas that will stand the test of time.  That's no excuse from me and I applaud the rare people who can do this. Nowadays marketing has so much noise from everyone trying to gain attention.

There is a sense of "me! me!"
As marketers most of us honestly think we can help people more than the next person. We all, at times, look like a toddler that screams for attention and doesn't know why they crave that attention.    We're kicking and screaming for people to notice us yet sometimes we can't even answer why we deserve the attention in the first place.

I'm going to try and do what I said I plan to do because it's good to be organized.  I'm not, however, going to send pointless and bland information to follow a quantity.

To those that follow Quality over Quantity, SALUT!

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