Friday, April 6, 2018

Random musings...

It's been 3+ months since I wrote a blog post.  Some of it involved being busy and the other involved not quite knowing what to write about.

Like a clip show is to a television program, when all else fails, I present: random musings.

Account Based Marketing and Lead Generation-

Hasn't ABM been around forever?  I've noticed particularly in IT related companies, marketing leadership is rehashing this definition and principle.  I spoke with a Director of Marketing that targets his messaging toward certain enterprise customers. A big surprise was they wanted more enterprise customers but they hated the term "lead generation."

When did lead generation receive the cold shoulder that "cold" calling receives?  ABM is still lead generation--It's just highly targeted and focused lead generation.


Sales vs Marketing- Who eats first.

The chicken or the egg conundrum.  Sales and Marketing in 2017 still has a hasty relationship.  They speak nice of each other when things go great.  Once opportunities are lost, and pipeline is shrinking they begin to build scapegoats.  Sales complains about collateral(or lack there of) and next thing you know, you've got sales people going rogue.  Marketing believes with its inbound leads coming from the website, these must be "Red hot!"

I've been saying for the longest, both teams need a lead or point person that understands the other departments needs and psyche.

Sales emails suck.

They do.  I've written sales emails and in the end, I hate them.  There's a lot of paranoia with being too human and coming off too creepy.   Predictable revenue had some email templates that were very effective.  That effectiveness is questionable now.  Usually when people use a formula, it becomes played out.  Subject lines that used work were:

"Appropriate Person"
"Quick Intro"
"____-Quick question"

I've completely scrapped these subject titles. Spam filters have gotten much better at detecting "unsolicited content"

  There's no secret to high response rates and if I were to guess it would be.

Your voice + strong value prop + some personalization = better response rate.