Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Closed Lost and Advocate Uncertain

Remember when I told you my love life is like a sales cycle?

The verbiage of being rejected by a female is to the effect of a director or VP telling me they are not interested whatsoever, in my product ever.  They share a common theme.

From my previous post, A closed/lost opportunity is when the decision maker is not interested in your product at all.

Let's use a scenario common to the man in his 20's- mid 30's.


I'm at a bar confident in my ability to be of use to a desired woman.  She's the perfect opportunity until we get to talk and I find…

She is not interested at all in what I'm saying. She probably knew within 5 minutes it wasn't the best fit.  When I see that sign, I just chalk it up as closed opportunity for the time being.

I can NEVER as a salesmen look like this… 

Sometimes a conversation I have will be with the friend of the girl first.  We like to call her the gatekeeper.


The gatekeeper knows what will be of interest to the girl and knows her general likes and dislikes.  Toughest obstacle is to  convince the gatekeeper I'm the right guy.  She may not be sure if I should  "pass the test."  I'm not sure if she even enjoys talking with me.  She may never let me converse with her girl. ( the DM)

Gatekeeper is essentially a   

I could:
- Make her feel like she will look good by selecting me by charming her.
- Try to go directly above her but that usually doesn't end well.

Now Playing- Chopped and screwed

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