Tuesday, April 28, 2015

You can't get it back!

Harvey Mackay couldn't sum this quote up any better.  For anyone who loves motivational information and career advice, He is one of the more informative figures to read.

Time is the one thing you can't get back.  I often take self meditation lately.  It helps me to assess the health of my motivation and brain.  It becomes tough to stay the course of projects.  I get frustrated and figuratively throw my laptop at a proverbial wall.  I get overwhelmed just like other people and murmur the words,

"I just don't have the time to do this."

 We have all said these words and will continue to say them because it's the easy way out of conflict and situations. It becomes a disease that spreads throughout our body every time it is said. It gives us a sense of justification that it's OK to give excuses.  Like Mackay's quote says, time is free but it's priceless. It's an intangible like intellectual property that overtime, builds wealth.   If it's not utilized, it affects our finances, goals, and even family.  You can't physically touch time.  There is no remote control that I can push like in the movie "Click" or "Back to the future" where you can pause a moment and change the outcome.

I spend time on many things every day yet I can't expense it.  I can't really quantify my time spent on projects.  They say it's an opportunity cost yet it contradicts the great aspect of Time being free.

Time is more valuable than money


A Jim Rohn quote that I always reference when looking at my time. You can lose 100 dollars and eventually, it will balance out.  There are times where finances will be tight, but you can make more money.  Once your time is lost, you are never EVER able to get it back.   If you lose time because you wasted it on something that was not that important, you can't balance that.    This becomes increasingly important in family matters.

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