Thursday, December 17, 2015

Marketing rant

The following writings  compile of marketing opinions expressed solely by me.  If you agree, then you are pretty awesome.

I love seeing cheesy commercials late at night that highlight why customers should buy something.

"Buy _____ you need this to save the day."
"Be the hero and WIN for your business."

These bold claims are becoming less and less receptive for customers.  Marketing data scientists swear by data to make decisions and it's not as easy anymore.

On the other hand, if you don't have the data, then you just carry an opinion.

My opinion: Customers don't know what they want.  They can't communicate it and half the time what they need, makes them very uncomfortable.  The unknown is a scary beast that brings out the true character in people.

Enter Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  - I'm still working on no particular order.

How do you market to people that don't have a need or know what they want-without sounding like a salesperson.

How does a salesperson sound anyway?  If a person asks another person to marry them, aren't they sorta selling their vision to that person.

If I believe my service is the best in town and I offer that service to numerous companies, am I cheating?

The relationship between the customer and I ends in polygamy while we prefer they remain monogamous.

Mom didn't raise a cheater-I love hard.

Love your customers opinions--It means they care enough to write a thought about your service/product.  I believe that's the most positive thing a company can do on Social media.

Don't flag customers for bad experiences.  Figure out why they are upset and let them vent.

For people who LOVE to complain. There's a site that allows you to do just that.

Rant over....

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