Monday, January 4, 2016

3 Me's-Special productivity

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

The toughest adjustment for me is having a 3-4 day weekend where I get to do whatever I want and then having to go back to work on a 9-5 schedule.  As I've gotten older I've learned to balance the various sides of me.  I had a previous post talking about how you dial your personality up and down like a remote control.  There's different moods that capture mentally, where I am just by using my special remote.  There's also a song, that can describe each Me.

"Work flow" Gabe- 

He's a diligent worker that is constantly looking to improve things and himself.  This Gabe is the Gabe you see at the office who's immersed in music and marketing.  I'm the most pragmatic here, and though I hate to be routine, I wouldn't get things done without that routine.

Now Playing-  "Everybody's workin for the weekend"


Chill Gabe has the vibe of Bob Ross and April showers. He likes to relax, play his guitar, and hit a certain state of the mind.  This is when I'm at my most creative and introspective.  You see this Gabe around 6:30PM M-F, and also a good portion over the weekend.  I like to think this Gabe is the one that's truly genuine.

Now Playing- Middle

"Turnt up Gab"-  

Remove the e from Gabe because all he does is Gab.  This Gabe has high energy and wants to be in every bar or club showing off his Michael Jackson moves and slick skills.  "Gab" becomes the opposite that is a wallflower.  "Chill" Gabe is a creator of moments- "Turnt Up" Gab IS the moment.

Now Playing- "Really? Really? YEA!"

With these 3 Me's, it takes a balancing act and half the time, I'm unsuccessful.

C'est la vie.

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