Tuesday, April 15, 2014

22 things I neglected to mention about myself- The good, the bad, the brow raiser!

I am  upfront and transparent.  This blog is not just a sneaky way for me to vent, but a way  for you to get to know who I am and what I believe in.  Here's my list..

 1.  I have a phobia for learning how to swim. - I want to learn, but I am truly scared to drown.

2. I had a Jack Russell terrier when I was 15 for 2 months. - I gave him back to the original owner after realizing they are really hyper.

3. My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great Grandfather was a slave owner and white. - I'm black.

4.  I am one of the most impatient people you will meet. - I once got so impatient walking to a store that I began sprinting to the store.

5. I play 5 instruments total- I play one real well and that's guitar.
6. I am 6'6- Average basketball player

7. I love Seinfeld and have a t shirt..Don't believe me? LOOK AT IT!

8.  My guilty pleasure is musicals- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Singing in the rain are my favorites all time.

9. I used to have a serious potty mouth- Sailors would have been uncomfortable. I have since calmed down.

10. Despite being from Chicago, I'm a Boston Celtics fan- They now are bad, but I support them.
11. I have a 15 year old half brother- I love him dearly.

12. I met Randy jackson from American idol- He let me and my friends join his entourage to get in a club.  He then proceeded to go with that entourage to the other end of the club away from us. THANKS RANDY

13. I don't drink coffee.

14. I'm a brooder- I get mad, it stays with me until I snap out of it.
15. I don't trust salesmen- Ironic since I am a salesmen.
Acquired Taste quote #8
16. I would say I am an acquired taste- A strong personality that either makes you love me or simply wish I were not in the vicinity of you.
17. I was an A student when I cared.
18. I once put on a blue shirt with Khakis to hang out at a Walmart like I was an employee.-Interesting experiment, try it!
19. I am a dreamer.- Constantly in the clouds imagining success I can one day achieve.
20. I have a love hate relationship with voice mails.- I love to hear them but hate to leave them.
21. I am a southpaw- Lefty.
22. I love to travel- My future kids will be speaking 5 languages after all the travelling we do. They will have no concept of time zones.

This is me in a nut shell.

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