Monday, June 30, 2014


There will be a time where FB will not be the number one social media site. 

Really, this will happen.

Everything moves in cycles and people love fresh ideas.  FB currently as of June 2014, is the number one social media site.  Theoretically, they have peaked and there's only one way to go and that's down.

There's someone somewhere that is looking at every top social media site thinking, "How can I solve what they fail to address?"  -Every current social media site has done this.

Facebook found a way for people to connect and maintain personal relationships

LinkedIN took that model and  emphasized "networking" through process of connecting with like minded individuals.

Twitter gave way to erase long responses and creating essentially an elevator pitch in text.

I'm looking forward to the next 5-7 years because I think we all are going to see some game changing social media tools that will solve various pains.

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