Wednesday, June 4, 2014


It's a service industry and we all do sales.  Sales has this negative connotation yet, you can have conversations with almost anyone and find out they do sales.

To get away from "sales" people use different litany to avoid the word.

Bartenders build rapport, serve you what you want, and strive for retention with each customer.


I have been hooked on this youtube channel called "Tipsy Bartender."

The bartender is an older jamaican man that has extremely attractive women giving tutorials on how to make exotic cocktails and show off drink making skills.

The guy behind it is an amazing marketer because he:

He gives value ( Teaching you how to make drinks)
He gives you inner desire ( Impressing attractive women with your skills)
He offers something unique ( These drinks are beyond normal cocktails)
He listens to his audience ( Takes in recommendations from posters)

I now am wanting to add mixing one of his crazy drinks to my bucket list!

Now playing- Tipsy Bartender

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