Friday, June 5, 2015

My Music Box

It's Friday, Friday
Gotta thank God it's Friday.

Enough of my shameless attempt at pop culture references, I am glad it's the weekend.  Fridays are usually a "busy work" day for me because most of my prospects leave the office and start their weekends early.  My previous blog post talked about how music can improve productivity. This post is more about insight into what I currently listen to when I'm working on projects.

Madeon-Pop Culture

When checking my emails and doing redundant busy work, this is a great song to listen to.  Madeon is an incredible music producer that mixes songs across all pop culture in one mash-up. If you are a Millennial like I am, you will appreciate how he mixed Brittany Spears, Daft Punk, Michael Jackson,etc all in one sensational mix.  The title "Pop Culture" really captures popular music of the last 20 years.  There is a ridiculous 39 songs sampled all mixed together  I am actually listening to this right now as I write this post.

Major Lazer-Lean On

Major Lazer is one music production that has been a fixture in my playlists.  Their hypnotic melodies coupled with percussive world rhythms put me in a work zone where it's just me, the work, and music.  This is one of the newer records out and I recommend it.  It's a chill, but hypnotic percussive record that's perfect background music.  The female vocalist also has a distinct voice.

Logic-Buried Alive

This record by Logic is true Hip Hop at it's finest.  The record has a great mellow vibe with an empowering tone.  Hearing the words, "Buried Alive" can be interpreted in so many ways.  Sometimes when I'm at work and given so much responsibility I feel like I'm buried alive.  This song really resonates with people that are given pressure to perform well and feel overwhelmed.  It's a therapeutic song that I've listened to when I feel stressed out over a situation.

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