Wednesday, September 9, 2015

30....The great years
On September 9th, 1985,  a woman named Lovel and a man named Bode(bo-day) conceived a child that would later turn out to be destined for greatness--Says every child born EVER.

Today I face a milestone.  Turning 30 wasn't as intimidating as I thought.  I've never been a big drinker and don't do drugs, so the mileage I have at 30 is different than someone living a crazier life.  I still have my best friends from when I was 15 and it feels great. I've had some close calls in 30 years being here and I'm thankful to even have the ounce of health I have.  People make jokes about turning 30 and say that it's time to be a grown up.

You talk to a man in his 40's and he will reply "young buck."

You talk to a 21 year old and they look at you as one step away from Keith Richards.

You talk to your mom and you just remind her she's getting older, not younger.

30, for a man is suppose to be his great years.  You're old enough to have the knowledge to take calculated risks but also not young enough to continually "fail."  Failure as an option decreases as you get older and 30 is the proverbial "You better get it right" phase.  Relying on youth can be a gift and a curse--30 challenges you to be better.

Some would say I should be focusing on getting a wife, kids, picket fence house, and a life insurance policy.

 I'm only 30.

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