Friday, September 18, 2015

Avoiding yes and no

It's amazing how often people avoid saying these 2 words.  These words are so powerful and real, people literally can be stick to their stomach awaiting the answer.  Both words indicate a decision is made and there's no turning back.

It's True....

When people get married and the priest says: "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"  The woman doesn't say Yes.  She says, "I do."

When you buy a product from someone and you both agree that it is going to help you, I'm willing to bet you don't say the word yes.  The litany of responses will be:

"Let's go with it."
"Do you get credit for this?"
"This makes sense"
"I'm on board"

In professional life,  we have so many people that are scared to tell people they can't do something that they avoid the "No" Response.  It's just 2 letters but it strikes fear into anyone who faces an encounter.

You know who will give you a straight yes or no?


When we all were little kids, if we didn't like something we weren't shy to say how we felt.  There were no filters.  A kid can say "No I don't want to" and not feel pressure to be public relations friendly.  Now these filters are important as we get older, but why is it so hard to elicit a simple yes or no?

I can only think of the medical profession where people HAVE to say either yes or no for diagnostic purposes.

People avoid situations where they have to say Yes or No.  If you were to google "Yes or No",  You will see blogs and articles with people giving advice on how to avoid saying Yes or No.  (I did the homework for you- "Yes or No")

Now Listening- "Am I Wrong"

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