Friday, February 19, 2016

It's cold outside..All you need is a good book

Baby it's cold outside....

It's cold outside and the last thing I have wanted to do is go bar hopping in the snow and 20 degree temperatures.  I've always been a sporadic reader.  It's something I need to work on and I'm fully aware of it.  When it's cold outside, it brings the opportunity for me to read books in their entirety.  Most of my reading seems to happen from Jan-April.

Coincidence? I think not.

I've had the chance to read some useful books via the Amazon Kindle store.  There's some really great "free books" that offer excellent sales and marketing insight. While there are "award selling" books, I love to read from lesser known people on how they obtain their success.  Here's a book with highlights that makes it worth reading!

1. Booked: The digital marketing and social media appointment setting system.... By Josh Turner.

Premise: On amazon kindle you can read this book for free.  It's a valuable book that shows the landscape of today's prospecting world.  The only negative is for grammar police, the book is written in a very loose conversational tone.  If you are looking for a formal book, it's not for you.  If you approach sales like an entrepreneur, it's a good book to read.  Josh takes us through a bit of his history and how he leveraged social media to grow his business.  The biggest takeaway in his book is how he used LinkedIn groups to establish himself as a thought leader.  The plan results in him setting up easier appointments  and eliminating having to cold call.

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