Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Chasing appointments

It's been a while since I... posted some content.  I was almost tempted to recite lyrics to Staind

A lot of you can identify with this scenario.


You've been talking with a prospect about why they should have a meeting with you.  You understand a base line about their challenges and you know you offer a solution that solves that problem.  The dialog reads in a very pleasant tone.  The only issue is they are busy and they want you to call them back same time next month...

You want to respect their time so you nudge one more time and then you set a reminder to contact them the same time next month.   Next month rolls around and now what was once an appointment, is now a pursuit.  The month keeps getting pushed back.  It's a trap, don't fall for it.

What's frustrating about this situation is every time you call, you find out more information and it leads you into a chase.  I always say embrace the chase, but to an extent.

Embrace that Waldo is in the room and you have to find him.  You have to find Waldo and point him out.  If the prospect had 0 interest, they usually would tell you flat out they are not interested.  There's something more going on...

Sometimes it's not about the chase

Interrogation is never a good feeling for a prospect.  People naturally raise their defense if they are uncomfortable.  TONE is everything and remaining calm is key.  I like to feel that prospects "test" you with their personal evaluation of you..  Naturally, I like to be the hero of their problem and push my story.  My previous posts have always said there has to be a story with an antagonist (problem) and a protagonist (hero)

Well, sometimes there's no antagonist.  People just don't see their problem or want to realize it. Sometimes the fairy tale ending is not what people want. To paraphrase Steve Jobs,

" A lot of times, Prospects don't know what they want until you show it to them."

 Stop chasing but don't lose contact.  Don't ever lose the contact. Every prospect has something that makes them "feel."  By feel, I mean get out of their programmed responses and demeanor.  They care about something and it's our jobs to figure out what that is.