Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New marketing stars--Just Kids!

My previous post introduced you all to the fact that I am a Virgo.  I showed some really successful Virgo celebrities and was surprised to see that they were huge stars in Hollywood. They all have huge talent but also have agents that market them for certain roles.  I went on this website called and found something interesting with the shown celebrities.

I put a question mark on "celebrities" I had no knowledge about.  Other than true celebrities like Michael Jackson, Beyonce, and Paul Walker,  most of these "celebrities" are web video stars.   The power of social media has put the power of choosing the next star in the hands of their audience.  This isn't some new phenomenon;
American Idol has been doing this the last 14 years.   

Marketing has really helped these kids become recognized for what they do.  Some people may feel they aren't real celebrities.  I say if you are generating website hits on par with established celebrities, you are an OUTSTANDING marketer.  Some of these kids are just that-Kids with entrepreneurial spirits and ambition.

I could learn from these kids indeed!

One of my favorite articles to read on social media is "10 Laws of Social Media Marketing" by Susan Gunelius.  She talks about principles consistent with social media marketing success.  When I look at all 10 steps, These new stars are following them to a tee.  Susan talks about:

1. The Law of Listening (LISTEN to what they want)

A lot of these young marketing stars are listening to what their public wants.  Whether it's clean content or lude and crude, there's a segment for everyone.

2. The Law of Focus (FOCUS on who embraces your brand most)

Susan believes it's better to be specialized than a jack of all trades. From listening to their target, these young marketing stars are focusing specifically on who is willing to listen to them!

3. The Law of Quality (Quality over Quantity)

There is so much content out there.  With so much content, there's a lot of bad inconsistent messaging going on.  These young-ins have taken to their particular skill and aimed to deliver content that generates clicks, views, and site traffic!

4. The Law of Patience (It's a marathon, not a sprint.)

While they are attracting great attention and even becoming sponsored, it took time for each of them to build their audiences.  Susan highlights there is a chance you can catch "lightning in a bottle."--It's very unlikely.  Keep grinding!

5. The Law of Compounding (Make your content work for you)

Not only are these kids utilizing YouTube and Facebook, They are also utilizing Vine and other platforms to compound their material.  These platforms allow them to share their content through multiple channels.

6. The Law of Influence (Strive to be a thought leader)

Building relationships and influencing others increases the ability to strategically network with common people.  These kids have influence over their target and big companies are looking to advertise products to reach that same target market.

7. The Law of Value (What's valuable to your target?)

The most consistent theme with social media and content marketing is sustainable value.  There has to be a reason people come to your page repeatedly.  It's not just about conversion but building a relationship with your target that stands the test of time.  It may be too early to predict but these young marketers are on the right path to maintaining relevance.

8. The Law of Acknowledgement (Show appreciation to those that help)

In any thing you build, acknowledging the people that put you in the position to succeed is important and respectful.  Building meaningful relationships takes time and showing their fans and sponsors they are appreciated, is the right step to maintaining their audience.

9. The Law of Accessibility (Make it easy for people to find your content)

Being able to make your content available in many ways is important to maintaining the audience.  This may sound redundant but it's so important  to make your content available everywhere your audience looks.

10. The Law of Reciprocity (Always give back)

A lot of these young marketing stars, have networked with each other to build friendship cliques.  I've noticed that they not only collaborate, but share their content to each others audiences.  It's a great form of web cross marketing.  This is something they do really well that opens new avenues to branch out their content.

These are 10 buzz words to help create successful social media marketing.


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