Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What's your story?

It's true.  I always come across people that insist they aren't creative and live boring lives. I see people watch "lifetime" and these premium cable show series wishing their life had that type of adventure.  They constantly watch these shows to escape the somewhat reality that is surrounding them.  If they took a step back and saw their life in a creative way, they'd see a story many would like to see.

I don't know about you but I can think of two TV series that involve an extension of my life.  I have a dysfunctional side of the family that would make the show shameless seem tasteful.  I also have a fun albeit crazy roommate who may be a sociopath.  OK I'm exaggerating but my point is to write out a story of the people in your lives!

It's a fun exercise to do and it helps your writing ability.  In marketing, we look at our target markets and develop "personas" that aide in understanding our customers.  I'm not seeing nearly enough companies take this aspect serious.  By writing compelling stories for characters, we are able to really see where and who we should target.

  Some of my favorite writers are script writers and it's because they are great at determining the characteristics of the cast in a TV show.  A script writer truly has the "pulse" of their market and understand the demand.  The demand for greater original content has required great writers.  Being just a solid writer will not change your content to attracting attention.  I'm still trying to figure out what ways my writing can influence so it's definitely a journey. Marketing agencies have turned to become more like publishing companies using content as a true vehicle.  Gone are the days of spending millions of dollars on advertising just to get reach.   I've started to realize producing marketing content is like producing TV episodes.  There has to be:

  • A theme 
  • Protagonist and Antagonist ( Hero and Problem to the Hero)
  • Emotion 
  • Familiar originality ( Giving something people know a twist.)

I'm challenging everyone to write a story based on your experiences.  You will become a better writer and learn how to effectively tell a story people will want to hear.

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