Monday, July 20, 2015

To be a master or jack at it.

I'm a Virgo.

One horoscope trait tied to Virgo's is the need for being a perfectionist.  I agree with this as it describes one of my strengths and also my weakness.  Everything I do has to be the best.  I can't half ass anything I'm passionate about because that's not who I am.  Is it because I'm a Virgo that I want to be the best at everything I do?  I don't fully believe in everything astrology says but there is a pattern for perfectionism.  Enough of the stars, let's talk about mastering your craft.

I started to research famous people that are Virgo's.  I was pretty impressed.  There are so many but a few to highlight are:

Michael Jackson
Adam Sandler
Beyonce Knowles
Kobe Bryant

All of these people are considered true masters of their craft.  In the book "Outlier" by Malcolm Gladwell, he says it takes a person roughly 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field.  10,000 hours is a lot of hours but it's not so unbelievable to fathom.  Take into account the aforementioned people began their craft as young as 8 years old.  It's easy to see with natural talent, they became true masters of their craft.  I'd argue in 2015, this theory by Gladwell no longer is as relevant.  There a few reasons it's harder to truly be a master at a skill.

Technology Distractions

The youngest person in that list of people is Beyonce who is 33 years old.  These famous people do not face the technology distractions that todays youth face.  Kobe Bryant didn't have access to high speed internet or PS4's to distract him from playing basketball.   It's becoming increasingly tougher to focus with so many distractions.  Facebook and LinkedIn are used more often in my work place than the free training certifications available to all employees.  On the other hand,  tt's become harder to master a skill when employers want their workers to be good at everything outside their scope.

Jack of all Trades, Master of None

Today's employee or entrepreneur no longer has a specialized skill.  With technology changing so frequent,  People are continuously having to learning new concepts within their field.  Job requirements nowadays want you to be good at 3-5 things.  Back then a marketer who was great at writing focused solely on writing.  Nowadays a marketer has to be a good writer, good in design, and good in public relations.  We have jack of all trades, masters of none.  It's debatable if mastering one skill is better than simply being good at 3 things.  People don't have the patience to truly excel at one thing.


Instant gratification is the reason we get diluted talent within fields.  The pressure for instant results is affecting business and encouraging incompetency.  There have been numerous movies emphasizing a pill that makes you super smart and rich.  People don't want to wait for results or even deal with growing pains in learning.  Impatience has stopped us from witnessing true masters in their fields.  Products become rushed and end up being just like everything else.

I have come to truly appreciate those that are masters in what they do.  It's incredible to maintain a razor sharp focus and become better at it than everyone else.  It's more than just astrology because it takes a special type of person to realize what they could master.  It's almost more valuable to have someone that can do something very few people can do.  There is a debate when discussing this topic. In certain fields it's ad advantage to be a versatile, jack of all trades person.  There seems to be so many people who are decent to good at a few things. With so many distractions for Generation Y, I've come to greatly respect those who truly master a skill in any field.  It now feels like an american past time.

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