Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Music AND productivity

This might be one of my favorite posts to write today.  Everyone who knows me knows I am a passionate music aficionado.  Being a musician, music is literally in my DNA and each strand represents my mood that makes up who I am.  When at work, I notice various people who listen to their music while doing their job.

If my job took away internet and online shopping, I could survive.  If you took away my ability to listen to music while doing my job, I'd bid you "Good day sir."

 I can't speak for others but music has always made a productive me.  I'm like the kid in the movie Hardball with Keanu Reeves.

 The young kid couldn't play baseball good unless he had his headphones on. For anyone that has played baseball, it requires an intense amount of concentration. I look at this kid and relate to his razor sharp focus listening to his favorite song.

 Facts on productivity with music

There have been so many studies on music in the work place.  While one genre of music may not be another's favorite,  the beauty of having headphones solves this problem.

According to Gregory Ciotti,

"When evaluating music's effectiveness in increasing productive output, one element to consider how "immersive" the task at hand is."

He basically talks about in the study of experiments, he found that playing music in the work place improved mood and creates a bump in productivity.

Another study conducted by Dr. Teresa Lesiuk stated that IT specialists who listened to music completed tasks more quickly and came up with better ideas than those who didn't.

There you have it, listening to music is not as much a distraction as some managers may think.  

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