Thursday, June 18, 2015


As marketers, we spend a good amount of time researching the competitors.  Some of us become obsessed with what others are doing that we don't realize where we truly stand.  I'm working on a virtual fitting start up project with a CEO and CFO.  I've realized society constantly puts "Keeping up with the Jones-es" in the back of our minds on decisions.

SWOT is an acronym that stands for: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  Since college, we all have done a SWOT on companies and competitors but what about you?  When you work with a start up, your job role has you doing things that may not be your ultimate strengths.  Yesterday, I decided to actually conduct a SWOT Analysis on my skills.  I figured if I'm relied upon to make sound decisions for direction, I should truly know who I am as a marketer.  I need to show my employer what I am consistent at, and what I may need assistance toward.  I can give you a brief example of how I assessed my strengths and weaknesses.


  • Very good at interpreting data to tell a story.
  • Creative thinker for problem solving
  • Very good with copy writing engaging marketing content
  • Great presenter


  • Experience lacking in leading marketing campaigns.
  • Not very strong in visual graphic design (HTML,Adobe)
  • Conducting marketing statistical analysis.

  • Become better at graphic design concepts and programs
  • Becoming more patient with reading metrics and KPI's
  • Sharpening my critical thinking skills for market analysis.
  • Marketers with more graphic design skills while being solid writers.
  • Marketers with greater resources available 
  • Companies promoting from within than outside.

Of course I have a more in depth analysis but that's just a preview of what you could do to have a SWOT analysis on yourself.  I believe this has helped me focus my attention on what could be opportunities and what I should be better at.As marketers, we work for brands to fulfill their promise to consumers.

Why not work on our personal brand and help fulfill our promise to people that believe in us?

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