Thursday, August 6, 2015

Everyone talks, no one listens

Get off your high horse.

Everyone talks, but no one listens. (MESSAGE!)

Anticipating when someone finishes their words so you can speak... NOT GOOD.  You have this amazing concept that you can't wait to tell people.  It's a competition, in your eyes, for who has the best idea.

Many meetings have a few people battling who can be the hero of the moment.  I'm sick and tired of people working against each other than for each other.  I've always heard the phrase...

TWO heads are better than ONE.  I have had great ideas become even better just by listening to others.  Collaboration has led to a lot of masterful projects.  From platforms like Facebook to music albums, there are many important people striving for greatness.

Using basketball as an example, Hero ball doesn't win championships.  It's not worth being a cancer to your team by not listening to them.  In the marketing world, there's not enough listening going on.  No matter how great, everyone's idea can be flawed- Trust me, I know.

I don't intend for this post to be a public service announcement.  I just want to see great ideas and everyone being given a fair chance to display their thoughts and ideas!

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