Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What's your writing style?

How do you write?

As elementary as that sounds, it's a valid question.  I'm asking this to myself every single day.  It's become apparent that every marketer has to be a decent writer.  We can't just sell ideas with our voice--Writing clear, concise emails is a requirement.  The big question still is:  How do you write?

I've been around some great writers and noticed there are a couple of styles out there that work.  Everyone puts their own individual twist to their style.  Whether it works for you is up to interpretation.

"The funny writer" (I'm going to entertain you)

Make anyone laugh and you can disarm their barriers.  Being able to write with humor can always make you stand out.  The problem is it's hard to write humor engaging content with a professional touch.  It truly is an art and if done the wrong way, you can offend people that read your material.  Depending on your industry,  being the funny writer may not convey a clients confidence in you.  The funny writer works when selling to marketing, hospitality, and entertainment.  Standing out is the key to getting responses.  If you are selling solutions to professional industries like finance, medical, or education,  You have to be REALLY good to get away with it.   It could be cheesy, and ineffective.

"The Technical writer" (I'm going to give you stats)

Stats, stats, and more stats.  This writer has a deep knowledge and excels in conveying that knowledge to prospects.  The analytical writer's persuasion comes strictly from using data to prove their point.  Theses writers think with their left side of the brain and want to assure you risk is minimal.

"Short and sweet writer" (Straight to the point.)

Straight to the point.  You're either thinking about what they write or not.  Either way, this message is going to be easy to tell if you want to know more or not.

"The Expressive Writer" (Feel what I'm saying?)

This person wants to make love to the words and allow them to marry.  They want you to feel.  A lot of beauty care and fashion marketers utilize "expressive" copy because that would make it the most effective form in that channel.  Expressive writing can be like reading a novel.  They emphasize a story filled with pain, confusion, and closure.  This style would not be as effective in other industries. but is perfect when the target is women, family, and self image.

"The All-Purpose Writer" (I adapt)

This is the writer that can adapt to its customers and market.  They can sense triggers to adapt to how to communicate toward their prospect.  This writer also has written for years and has developed a way to read their prospects.  One style doesn't work for everyone.  What makes reaching people more complicated is the various personalities and the challenges to connect with them.   This is the writer everyone should aspire to be.

Be flexible, personable, smart, and a sense of humor goes a long way.

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