Monday, August 3, 2015

Recruiters, you're not so bad.

There's a relationship that needs repairing. It's a relationship that is based on two sides helping each other and networking- the recruiter and salesperson.

Truth be told, a recruiter and salesperson are the same thing.  Salespeople recruit companies and people to buy and try products while Recruiters sell companies human capital.  Both sides have an entrepreneurial spirit because it's all about increasing their book of business.

Nowadays, Recruiters determine the fate of most Sales professionals.  Salespeople argue a recruiter has too much "power."  What if each side could write a letter to the other detailing their frustrations for one another?

 There's friction between both sides.  Neither side understands the importance of working together.  Salespeople need a recruiter who can match them to the right projects and hopefully, not waste their time.  Recruiters need Salespeople to fulfill what their clients need in human capital.  The problem is...

There are people that absolutely suck at their job.  

You have Salespeople that don't make the recruiters job easy.  Some recruiters may try to coach you up but most will move on to the next candidate that will give them the incentive they need from their client.  The recruiters primary job is not to get you a job-It's to fill a position for its client which is the employer.

It took me awhile to understand the habits of a recruiter but their motivation and pay is based on bringing the best candidates to an employer.  Results driven jobs are difficult.

Cut those recruiters a little slack.

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