Monday, June 29, 2015

Customers don't like ABC's

I know my alphabet just fine.  I know my acronyms even better.  In every sales course, I've encountered the bible of selling that tells us to Always Be Closing.  I was told it's about finding a need and closing As Soon As Possible. Maybe this style of selling was extremely effective in the 80's and 90's but today's customer is not the same customer that existed 15-20 years ago.  Our customers have tools that can neutralize our desire to close on them.  Just like we have a tool kit of referrals, white papers, and demos, Customers have powerful tools.


Today's customer is more knowledgeable than the past customer.  In movies like "Boilerroom" and "Glengarry Glen ross",  Sales guys were able to intimidate the customer by using tactics to make them feel dumber.

"If you're not doing this, you're going to regret it Mr. customer."

You can't do this tactic anymore.  Relationship building is more important nowadays that you risk losing a relationship and lifetime customer value.  Every "salesy" movie has the "WIN AT ALL COSTS" speech.  Customers are seeing these movies and able to beat us at our own game.  Knowledge is a big advantage they have.


You could say that customers have knowledge due to the internet.  The fact is that the Internet changed how everyone has shopped for prices.  Whether you do cold call sales or B2B door sales,  Customer have mobile devices to review the integrity of your company and what you stand by.  Back 15-20 years ago, customers had to take a salesmen's word about not finding a better price anywhere.  The main advantage a salesperson had was the lack of information a customer had on their product.  With message boards, and online reviews, it's become impossible for companies to hide the flaws in their product.  The internet has forced sales people to truly know their products strengths and weaknesses.  There's a consumer purchasing process model and every step is now tied to the internet being a big reason why they may or may not purchase the product.

Unlimited Choices

The chances of your product truly being ground breaking from everyone is slim to none.  While companies that are truly a differentiator exist, there's so much competition within every segment.  Customers have choices and if you're closing on them too hard, they will just take their business to a less pushy salesperson at another company.  Customers can also  put your product against your competitors and ultimately play both sides for their benefit.  Having so many choices now minimizes the ABC approach.

In the end, Salespeople are in sales to make as much money as they can.  I'm in sales because I like the ability to persuade people.  I also had to stop reading these hard lined sales approach books and pay more attention to people.  People buy from people they like and trust.  ABC doesn't show salespeople care about the customer.  It just shows they care about meeting their quota.  Relationship selling is here to stay and if as a salesperson, you can help them, there won't even need to be closing.

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