Friday, June 19, 2015

Meme's and things

If you ever get on Facebook, nowadays you rarely see people typing long posts about their feelings.  I remember when I got on Facebook in 2005 and seeing posts that rivaled best selling novels in length. People don't have the patience to write long posts nor do they have the patience to read them.

Twitter taught us we can say what we need in 140 characters of less.

Memes have brought that down to a third.  People value funny and relatable content.  I'm a curious man and I had to figure out the history behind the meme because it's an ingenious way to be memorable and connect with people.

Richard Dawkins was actually the first person to coin the term in his book "The Selfish Gene." A meme was explained as a way cultural information is spread.  While his original interpretation of meme referred to a virus that spreads; that's exactly what internet meme's do on social media.

In marketing, we have seen experiential marketing and content marketing explode.  Meme's are doing a great job at representing a state of mind or mood people have for brands.  I actually love this Meme at the bottom for marketing.

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