Monday, August 24, 2015

Focus more on ideas, not the money.

Generation Y (I really hate using this as an example, but it's easier to understand) idea makers are realizing retiring off the stock market and social security are not probable realities.  We're working our tails off and there's no guarantee we can one day retire at 55-60 years old.  For each Mark Zuckerberg or Evan Spieberg that comes out, we like to think:

Why not me?  Why can't I be a change the world?

We won't go into too much detail-It's way too many moving parts and would have as much depth as a dissertation.  (I'll save it for the day I get a masters.)

We come up with ideas and they're very good but we get lost in how much money we can make.  It's important to measure the profitability of your app but don't let it cloud the main reason you created it.

I do marketing for a few start ups and their creators  begin to focus solely on how much money they can make.  They forget that their app is to help solve an issue or annoyance for people.  It's difficult to be consistently keeping the target in mind without thinking about the money.  If you have a million dollar idea, your life could change over night. It's not a million dollar idea if there's no focus and tact to go for it!

I'm not here to preach. Neither should you.

Can you help people and change their situation for the better?  Good.

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