Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I'm not a book,stop trying to reading me!

This post is for the all the people that been called:


All these words have been said about you or someone you know.  They aren't necessarily bad words but they evoke a need for people to "figure each other out."  the more quiet you are, the more particular people look at you to change or get you to come out.  You become their entertainment in their otherwise dull world. People that are very curious must understand in their perspective, what's not normal.  I imagine Michael Jackson, Richard Branson, and Prince have all faced this form of scrutiny at a much dangerous higher level.

I can tell you I have been called a few of those words I mentioned above.  It's not being an introvert. It's being wise to your situation.  I've seen people talk about other people behind their back in a way that always makes me question if they would do the same thing to me.  For those people, I put them in a "Don't share" bucket. I feel people like this will at one point, use what you say against you to strengthen a pointless argument.  They value information to exploit you down the road.  These are the people that can be charming and ask what you think of another persons situation.  They may even walk you into a situation you have no business being in.   I see it in the office all the time and I'm sure you see it too.  These people are the very reason a defense is put up.

The issue is the more of a defense you put up, the stronger they desire to "read" you.  If you're not easily understandable, people treat people like puzzles.  This is how we easily become misunderstood and tagged as something we may not be.  We get scrutinized because those same people want to break us down to say "I was right about you."  These people look at us as a story and they want to determine the ending.

Not today.  Go read a book that's fiction.

Now watching- "Stranger than fiction"

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