Monday, August 29, 2016

True value of Networking

You just never know where people will be in their careers.

Story time:  I've been going to the same bar for 6 years running.   One of the bouncers there made getting in one of the biggest challenges.  I don't know what happen but it took maybe the first year for him to see I wasn't going anywhere and I planned to keep coming back.

Let's fast forward to today,  This bouncer went from low on the totem pole to now Director of Security at a new bar.  The relationship and struggle I had with him, carries over into his new career where he gives me dap and is always glad when I make an appearance.  I also don't have to wait in line at this new bar either--Thanks to the relationship that was built with him.

Who knew?

We talk about the importance of networking for your personal development but it also works for your business.  It's got to be genuine though.  Many times I see like minded professionals give each other the proverbial "F off" because of "competition."  You just never know where people will be in their careers.  I've seen former co-workers from 3 years ago head into promotions where they can make decisions on if they want to do business with my employer or not.

"Who wouldda known?"

In prospecting, we are taught to target decision makers at the top and work with influencer's and gate keepers at the bottom.  That may be true, but most professionals try to get past the gatekeepers instead of keeping them in the loop.  My experiences has taught me some gatekeepers are always in the know with the business.  If you get on their good side, good things will happen for you.  Sometimes what you think is impossible becomes the possible from just being genuine.

Who whoudda thought?