Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Are you In or Out?

How many times, as a kid, do you remember your parents saying this?  It's summer time and you constantly are going in and out of the house.  Your parents always would be upset and if the air conditioning was on, you better believe you heard..

"Are you in or out!?"

Some people prefer air conditioning and sitting in a home comfortable and away from outside elements.  Personally, I hate bugs and anything coming from outside that could annoy me.  However, some people prefer breathing in the air that comes outside.  Everything that comes outside can be a nuisance to your home.

In a weird way, this reminds me of Inbound and Outbound marketing.  If I could sum them up I'd say:

Inbound (Pull) - 

This was coined by HubSpot.  It's all about producing market messaging to people already curious about what you offer.  Inbound is more than just content marketing and info-graphics.  It's about taking the time to truly understand what attracts people to your offer.  There's so many resources on inbound marketing because it's now the "IT" thing.  When you really sum it up, it's making people at ease with you and pulling them in your world.

Outbound (Push)-

This is considered the old style of marketing and sales. Outbound marketing has one message that's broadcasted to as many people as possible.  Outbound marketing can take the form of TV, radio, snail mail, or good ole fashion cold calling.  It's been one of the most "trusted" methods in marketing and sales.  It's one voice delivered to everyone in hopes someone will respond and buy.

Do you Push or Pull?

This is really up to your industry and methodology.  If you ask most marketers, they will tell you Inbound is much more cost effective.  Inbound takes the form of utilizing the most of your current resources.  You put yourself out there to answer questions, concerns, or opinions from customers.  If you have a service minded business, Inbound will be the way you truly pull people into your business.  Getting wrapped up in the numbers game can be very short sighted and that's a downfall with Outbound.  Outbound also has been utilized for decades and does offer success in certain industries. 

Whether you leave the door open or not, it's up to you if you should be in or out.

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