Friday, March 4, 2016

Race to the best question to ask!

It's your 10:00 AM regular weekly meeting.  The person in charge of the meeting is providing insight and findings that would benefit everyone.  This isn't your normal status meeting where people inevitably get off track, or fall asleep- A special guest speaker is in the room. (Influential)

While they present, there's a serious race going on.  It's the race to ask the perfect question.

There's always 2 (sometimes 3) people in a meeting that are secretly battling for the title of "Best question asker" (incorrect grammar. I know.)  Sales meetings consist of various degrees of competition and when these 2 people battle for asking the best question, it's like a buffet line, you pick what works for you.

Person 1:  Asks an otherwise well thought out question.
Presenter: That's a great question!
Person 2 (feeling slighted) : Asks a question that's considered "deeper" than the previous question.
Person 1: Now feels the pressure, it's an official battle.  They start to use superfluous words to sound "better."

Has anyone ever experienced this before?

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