Monday, July 14, 2014


The FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest sport events that happens every four years.  Football ( or Soccer) is one of the biggest sports in the world.  You literally have hundreds of millions of people watching their team represent their country. 

The US is slowly climbing on the Soccer bandwagon.  Sure we may have American football, basketball and baseball- they don't tell the story that Soccer gives its viewers.

People feel connections based off emotions.  Soccer tells a story where you have a:

Protagonist: The team that is looked at favorably- similar to a hero that must overcome a challenge.
Antoganist:  The team that is looked at as the villain that will do anything to win.

This "story" has all the emotion and pride that makes soccer such a universal sport. 

Soccer requires an incredible amount of endurance that's more rigorous than an NBA or NFL game.

Soccer players also wear the brand logos of their sponsors- NBA, NFL and MLB don't do this (yet) 

My former marketing professor Dr. McDermott has an interesting take on rising popularity of marketing in soccer - Soccer popularity

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