Thursday, August 7, 2014

Brain farts

We all have them.  No matter how sharp you are, you have had a brain art in your life.  I can tell you I recently had one about 1 hour ago.  I was speaking with a Director and pronounced her name "Young Judith."  Of course her name is Judith Young and I knew that- I still had a brain shut down for a Nano second.

We are not alone, Every time I get a brain fart I get quite embarrassed.  I always fear the person on the other end will look at me as a "ditz."  See I don't care if people like or dislike me but deep down, I care what people think of my credibility.  When these moments happen, They make me uncomfortable because I can't control it.  It's inevitable I will have brain farts where I say or do something completely opposite of what I intended to say.

To entertain myself, I decided to look at various brain farts that have occurred to reasonably intelligent people.  Some of these involve simple fundamentals within each profession.  This made me feel a lot better about my brain farts.

Basketball Brain Fart

Player rebounds the ball and normally he should hand the ball to the Point Guard.  The player instead commits a brain fart and attempts to put the ball in his own basket.  Teammates pause thinking "WTF."

Football Brain Fart #2

Normally a player runs into the end zone with the football and it's a touchdown.  This player had a brain fart and dropped the ball before he crossed the line for the touchdown.

Spelling words

Pretty Self Explanatory.

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