Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I've got mine. You get yours!

I'd like to dedicate this following post to a friend struggling with help for his business.

It's 2014 and everyone in some capacity, is an entrepreneur.  Some people do it well, Few do it successful, and most fail.    That's just the reality of it.  We could say marketing, but most people are in the infant stage where they don't even know who their customer is.  I would list possible reasons being:

Laziness- Laziness to me is attributed to not having that passion to get things done.  Some of the entrepreneurs I know are obsessed with their work that it has rendered them awkward when talking about something outside of their field.  I also know a couple that are very talented but struggle to do what they know is necessary for the business to progress.

Early Entitlement- We believe in our vision so much that we tend to over value our venture and wear rosy colored glasses.  Some of us seek help with our business yet, refuse to genuinely care for others in a similar situation.  This entitlement stagnates progress and prevents most of us from gaining momentum.  There's so many people out there to help us with our product that we feel like they SHOULD and we've earned the right to feel entitled.

Marketing and branding your and product is very hard.  It takes years to get there and establish yourself.  A lot of people who have "made" it in success, are cryptic when you meet with them. They tell you enough information but not too much.  You tell them about your business idea and they smile and say "Interesting."  A week later, you contact that same person and they spin your wheel.  They are busy as well but trust me, if someone wants to help you, they will.

"Why won't they help me?"

An internal response from them would go:  "You're irrelevant.  Do you know how many people I talk to that tell me about an idea and need help?  You know how many I have helped in the past only to get burned by their ego or laziness?  I worked very hard to achieve what I have and my reputation is on the line any time I meet someone wanting my co-sign.  I need you to do more work with that constant enthusiasm you have.  Once you get to a level I feel it's less of a risk, I will help you."

It's tough to swallow but most people in business don't care about you unless you can help them.  They worked hard in their eyes to achieve that sense of "I'm here, waiting for you" mentality.  You can't be mad because those same people should fuel you to keep focused and wait for the day they contact you wanting to do business.   I remember in sales someone telling me that people hate to be sold to but love to buy things.  That same principle applies to entrepreneurship.  People like to learn more about something and buy into it when they are ready.

Now Playing-  311- All Mixed Up.

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