Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Taking a two month break

Lately, I have not been fulfilling my obligation of writing 3 posts a week and I've suffered to manage my time.

I have written several posts talk about time management and doing "too much." I haven't been practicing what I preach.  Sometimes you have to face the fact that you are not superhuman.  I'm not superman with a cape that can save the day at any moment.  I'm not a time traveler that can go back in time and undue mistakes.

There is a lot of exciting new things going on with me right now.  Other than my sales consultant job, I have taken on another great fulfilling project that will allow me to do marketing and strategy based principles.  It's an upcoming start up and I can't divulge information about it.  I told you that I would not ever sell products on here- This is just a view into my world for you.

I am going to take a two month break from writing in this blog because I need to focus a lot of my attention to this upcoming project.  I truly believe my work on this project is a purpose.  2 months isn't too far away when you look at it.  This project is going to challenge not only my writing, but my brain.  It's going to make me a better marketer as I still need to focus on writing compelling content.

I am excited to come back in the next 2 months with ideas and concepts that are different from previous blogs.  I should be a better writer and creative.  I also aim to give this blog a reboot from a design standpoint.  Hang tight with me and anyone that has taken the time to come in my world...

Thank you- I won't be gone long.

Now Playing- "Gone til November"

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