Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pura Vida!!!

This phrase is a true meaning to the locals in Costa Rica.  It carries a profound way of life that means "Pure Life."  I didn't realize how important this phrase was until I visited Costa Rica.

You see I haven't written a blog post in months.  It wasn't because of laziness at all either.  I don't like to make excuses but I really had nothing interesting to truly bring to attention.  My job has been steady and my entrepreneurial project has faced it's trials and tribulations.  I am in the process of a career change for the better.  I will inform those of this upcoming career change in a later post--PURA VIDA!

The phrase is so powerful I have found myself still saying it here in the United States. Like a kid with tourettes I randomly shou...PURA VIDA! I can't even finish sentences without saying it.  When you start to understand what it means from the locals point of view, you start to understand their way of life.  Enjoy life and be happy.  Some people can make enjoying life the most difficult task you encounter.

   I recently visited Jaco Beach, Costa Rica.  The streets during the day are filled with laid back people hustling even with their family present.  At night, it comes alive.  So many talented local dancers putting me to shame to Marc Antony's "Vivir Mi Vida."  For anyone that has visited you will notice Jaco Beach is very laid back and a beach town.  Amazing views, birds, iguanas, and crushing waves make it an experience to not forget. The main reason for visiting Costa Rica was we as friends, lost a soldier.  By losing a solider, I mean that this friend is getting married and it was a bachelor getaway.  Celebrating the time as friends was a moment I will never forget.  We have all known each other 10 plus years and have seen each other grow into the men we are today.

Throughout this trip with best friends, I learned three important things about myself.

1. Fearful--Not less

 I always thought I had a sense of bravado in my life.  I arrived in Costa Rica encountering activities that truly scared the crap out of me.  I was afraid to do Zip-lining.  I was afraid to do the trail for ATV's.  I was afraid of so many things because I didn't know what to expect.  The locals of Jaco Beach had taught me to stop over-thinking and just do!

2. Slave

The most telling aspect in Jaco Beach was the genuine interaction people had with each other.  They weren't slaves to their technology like we are in the United States.  People don't have their phones out in restaurants when it is dinner time and they don't text every single second.  My friends and I found ourselves truly being slaves to the technology.  There's so much to see beyond staring at little box displays every step we take.  It felt great to not touch my phone and truly experience moments I can share with everyone.

3. Creature of Habit

I have a habit of doing the same habits.  People in Jaco Beach get out of bed and don't think in a pragmatic approach.  They are laid back and one minute they are surfing, the next they are spending time with their families.  The work life balance in Jaco Beach really puts in perspective the 9-5 grind.

Sometimes you need to experience situations that scare you.  If you feel fear, it's a good thing.  It means you're alive and on the verge of altering your thinking toward life.  My girlfriend pushed me to do Zip-Lining otherwise I would have never done it.   The trip to Jaco Beach helped me understand where I currently am in my life.  Where I am now, is NOT where I want to be in 3-5 years.


#NowPlaying- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alUhI7WUnh4

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