Thursday, April 23, 2015


Time has flown by extremely fast!

It seemed like just the other day I was a 23 year old that was ready to own the world and be six figures by the time I was 30.  I had these grandiose plans and the energy to initially get there.  I was extremely driven and ambitious to the point of being selfish.

6.5 years later I've noticed at 29 I am different from when I was 23.  I still am very ambitious but I'm starting to see the true values of what I wanted to accomplish and my "legacy".

Excuse me for semi TV Plagiarism, but there was a "Chappelle's Show" episode where comedian Dave Chappelle talked about how he saw the world at 18, 24, and 30.  It was called "The three Daves."

 This episode was brilliant because everyone can relate to how they see the world at each critical age.  I feel like as I get older, I handle different situations with more grace and humility than when I was younger.  Let's see some examples...

Scenario 1- VENTING

Age 23- I used to be the annoying kid that vented every single thing on FaceBook.  If I was mad I'd say everything on Facebook about my situation for 700 plus people to see.  When I struggled to get jobs in music, it wasn't uncommon to see...

"F--- you, I know I'm dope."  -Clearly I had issues grasping with rejections.

lyrics animated GIF

Age 29-  I realized I can't invest so much emotion in things that just weren't meant to be.  Sure, I still get disappointed when I face rejection but I've learned to remain humble and have the attitude of "on to the next one."  At 23, I didn't realize everything I say is going to be on social media for people to see forever.  Fortunately I did not have many venting posts like others. I'm not even on Facebook anymore other than to talk close family members that are far away.

Scenario 2- Proving people wrong

Age 23-  The energy I had at 23 was volatile and almost borderline overzealous.  I was had this ability to just wear most people out.  Debates, video games, stare downs, I always expended this energy to prove people wrong.

Age 29-  Energy expended on things you can't control leads to unnecessary stress.  This might explain the 2-3 grey hairs on my head.   I honestly don't care (as much) about using all my energy to prove people wrong. I've learned the true art of "pick your battles."

Scenario 3- Being on time

Age 23- Slacker that only made A's when I tried(unless it was math--I was cool with that C)  I used to always wait until the last minute to finish things or complete them. Dragging my feet was something at 23 I was bad at. I can't even use "CP time." 1

Age 29-  OK. Maybe I'm not as completely different here.

Scenario 4- Micromanaging Managers

Age 23- Frustrated with micro-managers it was the one trait I HATED with bosses.  I know how to do my work I don't need you breathing down my neck every step of the way.  (eyes roll)  Here comes another Facebook rant explaining my distaste for being micromanaged.

Age 29- OK. Take a deep breath and realize some people can't help their habits.  Instead of fighting with the micro-manager, MANAGE the micro-manager.  They have a schedule they adhere to and if I can work and stay two steps ahead of them, they will stop trying to micro-manage because I am presenting them with extra work.

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