Thursday, November 5, 2015

Everyone's a critic

Disclaimer: This is a rant.  There is no perceived educational value to this rant.  It's just my opinion and does not reflect the opinions of others.

Nowadays with social media really contributing to narcissistic views, more than ever there are more critics.  There are couch coaches, as well as actual consultative coaches.  Everyone is saying the same damn message and just re-purposing it for their benefit-not yours.  I wonder if there's a study about lack of productivity due to reading a million articles telling why you should work harder.

How many people are actually reading these memes and posts only to get sidetracked and read 5-6 more posts that detail the same message.  one hour later, you still haven't accomplished much.  It's like reading instructions on how to build an IKEA table for hours only to not have done one thing to put it together.

Everyone having an opinion is not a bad thing-but it's not great.  For every great idea, there is always a skeptic that believes they spot a problem or constraint.  Part of validating your ideas involves your ability to "fight" through the criticism and not take things personal. Ultimately, we as marketers need to know when to listen and when to ignore the noise.

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