Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Why re-purpose crap?!

I was on my Facebook timeline looking at obnoxious web humor. (It's like junk food-Not good for you but tasty in spots)  I'm friends with a few people that work in digital marketing that posts articles daily.  I saw an article that immediately captured my attention-in the wrong way.

How to create marketing content when feeling lazy?

There are quite a few things wrong with this title.  Grammatically, it abuses preposition rules(Grammar nerds consider this a big topic).  It also breeds a sense that creating content is so easy that you can recycle it.  There's some truth to this but you have to be truthful to yourself.

When creating content, is your content so memorable that you can re-purpose it?  I'm willing to bet only a small fraction of your content can be re-purposed.  This is not a list post on why you should re-purpose.  It's really not that hard.  There's nothing wrong with re-purposing content toward various marketing platform channels(twitter says, hello).  The main issue I have is people reusing content that is questionably weaker just to meet a "quota."

I love great content and I dislike when I see people looking for shortcuts to build relationships with customers.  Building a brand takes time and a lot of work.  Great content is facing noise, and a "me me!" attitude.

Create quality.  I'll take 3 very good content pieces over 12 average pieces.  If I can take those 3 pieces and promote, I can get by farther than flooding timelines with average content.

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