Monday, May 11, 2015

Is big data everything?

I know you must be thinking I'm trying some form of reverse psychology.  You're wrong.

You see as a marketer who loves studying people and why they trust businesses, I've noticed a questionable mix of marketing tactics that are becoming the norm.  In college I learned about the 4 P's just like others and yet, it feels like everyone wants a formula that guarantees them success.  People want to work smarter yet it's not a guarantee data will always give you that. Instant gratification has forced people to truly conform and not go against the grain.  Data analytic's has taken over what truly made the original marketing geniuses stand out from the pack.  SOA Alert for: Intuition.

Marketers! scared of every little risk possible

We have grown to become risk adverse.  I'm not against data analysis, I just feel you can manipulate it to move toward your favor.  If you have ever looked at any Data analysis course, there is always the word "manipulate" within the description.   If you look up the word manipulate in the dictionary, you will see:

  1. 1.
    handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner.
    "he manipulated the dials of the set"

  2. 2.
    control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.
    "the masses were deceived and manipulated by a tiny group"
    synonyms:controlinfluence, use/turn to one's advantage, exploitmaneuver,engineersteerdirectgerrymander
    twist someone around one's little finger
    "the government tried to manipulate the situation"        (source)

Data is not bad if diversified for the mix

Data analytic's is not all bad.  I happen to believe using it along with your intuition can create ways to actually find out what people want before they want it.  The conundrum is assumptions make an ass out of you and me;let's lesson our risk and see what works faster.  Steve Jobs at apple to me was a master at this.  He helped create products that people never thought they needed but desired.   We shall see what happens with this "wearable" technology trend. Back on topic-Can we have a healthy mix of our personal abilities and data to support or hypothesis?  Not every company is doing this and they rely solely on data to make a great decision.  

Pretty soon we automate everything and every marketer is without a job.

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