Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday's the enemy

6:10 AM- Get up, take a shower and get ready
6:50 AM- Leave the house for my morning Train
7:40 ish AM- Arrive at work.
7:50 AM- Eat my breakfast
8:15 AM- Listen to Tom Petty "The Waiting" and meditate
8:30 AM- Smile and hit the ground running.

As I sit at my work desk looking over folders and "busy" work, I recall some of my previous posts about Monday.  Monday is important because it sets the tone for your week.  I don't know about you, but if I have a bad Monday, it leads to a rough week.  As I've gotten wiser, I've started to see the importance of having a great Monday.  I'm almost to a degree, OCD toward my Monday routine.

Monday doesn't get the love like other days of the week.
Taco Tuesday- I still don't know the origin of calling it that.
Hump Day Wednesday's- The proverbial struggle to get over that hump.
Thirsty Thursdays- Thirsty for the weekend is in sight.
Friday- Self explanatory
There is an excitement for every day of the week...except Monday.

Meanwhile, I get online to see funny Meme's talking about Monday and people looking at Monday as their enemy.  Monday has this negative connotation and I partly agree with everyone.  You see Monday is like the weather man.  You can predict clear blue skies and sunny but it's not always that way.  I've had my Monday routine going for the last two years and I can tell you it certainly hasn't always been "bright and sunny" days.  Monday is the scapegoat and like a weather man giving false weather predictions, it upsets us.

Sidenote: If you ever get a chance, look at "The weather man" with Nicholas Cage; Great movie.

Even though I'm not guaranteed to have a great Monday or week, Why do I psychologically stick to the same routine?  I ask this to myself every time I have a bad Monday.  Surely it's just luck that there are some Mondays that do better than other weeks. I'm not going bore you with a redundant saying of "hard work creates luck" but Monday is the tone setter.  It's the first day of the week to create an attitude you need to accomplish the expectations given to you.  I look at Monday as the "mental" day.  If you can have a rough Monday and still be able to smile and be positive, You are mastering the art of conquering the enemy.

If you can't conquer the enemy without assistance, there's something called coffee that I see a lot of people in the office buy.

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