Thursday, May 7, 2015


I reached a crossroads in my life recently.  I want to offer a different perspective to indecision of art.

Every now and then you come across something you created that at the time, was magical.  It was new, it was refreshing and it gave you hope that maybe, "I'm real good at this!"  There's no better high than feeling successful in accomplishments.  Thoughts begin to conjure up other perspectives and you wonder...

"Is what I created going to last?"

It's the toughest question you ask yourself.  Some of the best creations happen when you don't over think and nature takes the course.  A wandering mind is very dangerous.  When it's knocked off course, you lose sight and your focus to maintain your creations.   Even the most beautiful creations can be a disaster.  I feel like a proverbial sledgehammer has destroyed something that I felt was beautiful but no longer can be shown.

It's the same reason copy writers create content only to take that sledgehammer and find a way to be more innovative.  It's tough to assess your work in creating and being your harshest critic.  It's scary to take a sledgehammer to something you felt was great.

Sometimes you have to take that sledgehammer with the hopes that destroying your first creation will help open up your mind and perspective.  I'm not saying you should chase perfection all the time.  Appreciating the good in something now won't always mean it can stand the test of time.  You have to reinvent and not be afraid to use that sledgehammer to start new with a fresh perspective.

Now Playing- Peter Gabriel "Sledgehammer"

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