Monday, September 7, 2015

Inspire to Aspire

Every time I face a challenge or doubt in my mind, I look at inspiration.  There's a trigger for everyone linked to their motivation and desire for a particular outcome. Everyone on social media has some type of quote or credo they live by--It's what makes us individuals.  Creative people constantly look for inspiration in the most unexpected places.  Inspiration can lead to having that "lightning in a bottle." When you come up with a great idea, it can be intimidating to view it bigger than it seems.

"Dream Big" is a common theme.

Here are ways I've found inspiration to aspire.

Watch young children together

Seriously, watch young children.  Young children don't have the rules and people telling them they can't do what they feel.  I've got baby cousins that have these HUGE aspirations and it makes me almost want to be a kid again.  When you're an adult, you get told by investors and various people the flaws in your aspirations.  The reality and perception leaves some people jaded.  Young children don't feel that because they don't let their dreams become bounded by rules.  Inspiration can come from watching youth aspire to do the unimaginable!

Look at your heroes

There's so many people that have inspired me and shown me most things can be possible.  When I struggle with reality telling me "You can't do this", I look at the people I greatly respect that have done amazing things.  They had people tell them they couldn't do certain things and they stopped caring about what those people thought.  If you were to look at my creative DNA you would see:


Sometimes you just have to shut everything down and get in a zone.  As a creator, the best ideas that become works happen when you're not thinking about them.  You put yourself in somewhat of a trance  and incredible things can happen.  My favorite exercise to do is simple sit in a room with no monitors, no screens, eyes closed, listening to music at a low level. I've come up with some really cool ideas using this method.

Trying new things

Trying new things will give you a different outlook.  Getting a different outlook helps you see things you may not have noticed.  I've found when I try new things, my creativity sparks and becomes fueled by my bravery to experiment.  There are times I feel like I'm a genius and there are times I don't want anyone to know my ideas.  

Help others

I'm not just talking about going on a mission trip to Africa, I mean helping people in the most sincere way.  I'm not the biggest reach out and touch somebody type person but I'm passionate about helping people seek out their creative being.  When I help people less experienced than me, I walk away understanding a different perspective.  

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