Monday, September 14, 2015

NFL offense and Marketing/Sales..Eeerily familiar

The similarities are uncanny.  How can a sport of brute, stamina and athleticism be so similar to a team of marketing and sales?

It's simple. While defense wins championships, offense wins you games and positive gains.  I want to focus specifically on my theory by utilizing NFL offensive skill position players .  In the NFL you have Wide Receivers, Tight Ends, and Running Backs.  Their jobs are to support and provide help to the Quarterback who is in charge of making sure everyone is put in place to succeed.  Once each position knows their place, it's up to their individual talent to make a play that results in yards or points.

You still following? Good.

There is also an Offensive line that protects the Quarterback at all costs.  They insure the Quarterback is not affected by challenges such as aggressive pass rushers.  The Quarterback has a wealth of knowledge and relies on his Center to make sure the infrastructure is sound and not prone to attack.

Whether you catch on or not, Salespeople and marketing need each other and have a rather symbiotic relationship.  Salespeople are the revenue drivers scoring points for your business.  They are brave, energetic, and can get through any hole and create positive gains for you.  Sure, there are rock star salespeople that may have a natural ability to sell but even they need support.  Marketing is the structure there to protect sales and help them succeed.

Marketing creates that open lane for sales to run through and score!

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