Thursday, December 3, 2015

Arguing with myself

I've been gone for a little while but I'm back.

The more responsibility you are given, the more you have to manage your time better. When it comes to applying this, I've been off and on the wagon.

I keep forgetting what off and on means within context- Anyway, back to the my post.

It's been over a week and the holidays have been a pleasant distraction for me.  Still, there were days I could have written a post.  I honestly didn't know what to write.  I could write about marketing principles but there are about 200 articles daily saying the same damn thing.  You know, the articles that are copied from everyone alla crib notes so other marketers can get their writing quota done.

I probably didn't make too many friends with that response.  Am I feeling snarky? No, just thinking how I could change the marketing world.

You know what inspires me?  People who think and force me to change my stubborn views.  When I come across great writers, I don't see them as competition. I see them as people that will make me better and more flexible.

"Study from the greats and become greater." -Michael Jackson

Who out there can I study from?  Am I even someone you can study from?  These are questions I ask myself monthly.   There's an internal struggle I have with myself on my blog and direction.  Moving forward, I will be incorporating some original visuals to stand out from the rest.  I will also become more organized and separate the helpful articles from the opinionated professional rants ( like this one.)

Now playing- "Having an argument with myself"

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